World Wide Butterfly Breeding Forum Members
Remember 9-11

Tribute to light, Ground Zero, N.Y. Cities wallpaper
In a spontaneous gesture, on 9-11-11 members of the
WWBBF decided to release butterflies in remembrance
of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. ten years ago today.
The following message was posted to the
WWBBF discussion list, 9-11-2011:
There is a disorganized, spontaneous 9-11 release going on for butterflies today, all over the world! We are releasing butterflies for 9-11 on behalf of the World Wide Butterfly Breeding Forum.... and will be collecting photos of the releases to keep together in a special album.
This started today, with Glenda Buhagiar in Australia asking for someone to release a butterfly on her behalf, for 9-11. This seemed to wake everyone up!
As Nigel put it earlier today:
"... I don't know if you all in the US realize this, but the whole World is marking today as a day of respect to those that lost their lives in 9/11. This event was felt by all of us in the rest of the world, and it is not considered a "US" only thing. All of us outside the US, also feel for you all, and sometimes I don't think the US authorities or population see this!"
So that people around the world can feel joined together in their thoughts, prayers and feelings, the World Wide Butterfly Breeding forum can be thought of as everyone world-wide releases their butterflies! That we are "all in this together" and what happens to one of us happens to all.
See the two Texas Monarchs that I just whispered to and sent to the big Texas sky, on behalf of all of us, with thoughts of 9-11.
Linda Rogers
Here are just a few photos sent in by members...

From Lena and DeeDee Nunn in CA, USA.

Linda Rogers, Texas, USA

Tatia Veltkamp released these butterflies
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

This Tatochila and Pheobus were among the butterflies released
by Nigel and Grace Venters, in Rio Ceballos, Argentina
Nigel posted this message to the WWBBF:
Linda & all,
Gracie and I just released some butterflies here in Argentina! (A mixed group of Monarchs, Phoebus, Suphurs, three different types of Painted Ladies, a number of different Nymphalids and 5 different species of Swallowtails.) As we let them go, Gracie said a short prayer.
I think it is wonderful that so many folk are marking today as a day of sorrow and respect for all those that suffered on 9/11, but also a day of re-birth and determination for all of our, and our children and grandchildren's future!

Melanie McCarthy supplied this photo from a 9/11 release at an
Assisted Living Retirement Community in Wilbraham, MA, USA.
(Yes, they are pairing!)