"Who in the world am I? Ah, THAT'S the great puzzle!"
Just like the butterfly transforms and changes through life, Linda has been many things, including technical writer, editor, administrative manager of a magazine, legislative bill writer, owner and manager of small businesses in Boulder, Colorado; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Honolulu, Hawaii and other towns on her migratory path to "the farm".
Now happily settled in and pretty much off-the-grid on Timshell Farm (just south of heaven a little bit, but still in Texas), Linda stays busy with butterflies, Golden Retriever puppies, organic pecan trees, Paulownia trees, and building a home for foster children with her husband, Steve. |
Linda enjoys work on The Butterfly Boutique with Paul and Nigel, her English buddies. One of her aims in life is for she and Steve to go fishing with Nigel and Paul in Ireland, catching both trout and salmon in the Shannon River and then on to have a cool Guinness. |
Butterfly Bandit? International Man of Mystery?
Not really, Nigel is just very busy at present so his (auto)biography will have to wait.
Or alternatively you can buy the excellent Commercial Butterfly Breeder's Manual and read all about him there!
(The website, not Nigel.)
`What do you know about this business?' the King said to Alice.
`Nothing,' said Alice.
`Nothing WHATEVER?' persisted the King.
`Nothing whatever,' said Alice.
`That's very important,' the King said...
So, why the Alice theme? Well, it's something of an "in-joke" going back to when Linda and Nigel first became friends. |
In Nigel's words: "Linda was a "newby" with so much enthusiasm and determination to succeed at butterfly farming. I spent time with her to help her get her business off the ground and change the things that were preventing her from progressing."
And from Linda: "...there was this fellow on the Butterfly Farmers Mailing List named Nigel who always seemed to have time for everyone's questions..."
From there it seemed natural that Nigel should be the knowledgeable caterpillar sitting on his toadstool with Linda the attentive student peering over the edge.
And the blue butterfly? Well, Paul joined this trio a little later, and the Adonis Blue just happens to be one of his favourite butterflies - besides, it was that or become the mushroom!
The Alice theme is a useful one for all of us - it reminds us not to take life too seriously...
"Be what you would seem to be"--or if you'd like it put more simply
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear
to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than
what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."